Are you looking to upgrade your clients, make more money from existing relationships, and shorten the sales cycle?
Would you like to develop a business that enables your lifestyle?
Have you been frustrated by the hundreds of “FAKE GURUS” who talk a great game, take your money, and get rich teaching others how to do what they’ve never done?
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, this is the most important website you’ll visit this year.
Are you looking to upgrade your clients, make more money from existing relationships, and shorten the sales cycle?
Would you like to develop a business that enables your lifestyle?
Have you been frustrated by the hundreds of “FAKE GURUS” who talk a great game, take your money, and get rich teaching others how to do what they’ve never done?
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, this is the most important website you’ll visit this year.

My name is Dave Lorenzo
and I help professionals, consultants and coaches make more money doing exactly what they love.
If you find yourself:
Working too many hours and not enjoying life
Dealing with clients you can’t stand
Struggling to grow revenue quickly
Becoming jealous of people who aren’t as good as you but seem to be making more money, or
Getting frustrated by the complexity in your business that has overwhelmed your ability to grow
You’ve come to the right place!

My name is Dave Lorenzo
and I help professionals, consultants and coaches make more money doing exactly what they love.
If you find yourself:
Working too many hours and not enjoying life
Dealing with clients you can’t stand
Struggling to grow revenue quickly
Becoming jealous of people who aren’t as good as you but seem to be making more money, or
Getting frustrated by the complexity that has overwhelmed your ability to grow
You’ve come to the right place!
During the past 30 years I’ve helped entrepreneurs, professionals and sales executives make a great living and live a great life. I work with them to build a business that enables them to do their best work, have fun, and spend their time exactly as they desire.
If you’re reading this, you are already successful and you want to take your business to the next level.
That’s what I do. I work with people who want to go from “GOOD to GREAT.”
Since credibility is important, allow me to share my story:
- In 1999 I started a Corporate Housing Company and grew it from start-up to $50 million in annual revenue in 3 years. This company became part of Marriott International.
- In 2003 I joined the Gallup Organization to lead their Manhattan (NY) division. Within 18 months I had developed a book of business that produced $10 million in annual revenue and by year 3 that book was over $20 million. My total consulting revenue in six years was in excess of $250 million and my team delivered billions in new revenue to big brands like: Ann Taylor, Pfizer, Marriott, Cessna, Dunkin Donuts, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare and many more.
- Since 2008, I’ve been a sole practitioner, running my own consulting company, and enjoying a SEVEN-FIGURE lifestyle business.
- The COVID-19 pandemic taught me that many service providers don’t know how to create diversified revenue streams in their business, and they need a system for developing and deepening relationships. This is not just sales training, it is revenue growth strategy that is sustainable for decades.
That’s why I developed this sales sprint.
During the past 30 years I’ve helped professionals and sales executives make a great living and live a great life. I work with them to build a business that enables them to do their best work, have fun, and spend their time exactly as they desire.
If you’re reading this, you are already successful and you want to take your business to the next level.
That’s what I do. I work with people who want to go from “GOOD to GREAT.”
Since credibility is important, allow me to share my story:
- In 1999 I started a Corporate Housing Company and grew it from start-up to $50 million in annual revenue in 3 years. This company became part of Marriott International.
- In 2003 I joined the Gallup Organization to lead their Manhattan (NY) division. Within 18 months I had developed a book of business that produced $10 million in annual revenue and by year 3 that book was over $20 million. My total consulting revenue in six years was in excess of $250 million and my team delivered billions in new revenue to big brands like: Ann Taylor, Pfizer, Marriott, Cessna, Dunkin Donuts, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare and many more.
- Since 2008, I’ve been a sole practitioner, running my own consulting company, and enjoying a SEVEN-FIGURE lifestyle business.
- The COVID-19 pandemic taught me that many service providers don’t know how to create diversified revenue streams in their business, and they need a system for developing and deepening relationships.
That’s why I developed this sales sprint.
When we work together you will discover:
> How to develop multiple streams of leads that will help you keep your business running regardless of the economy or external conditions.
> Proven methods for increasing your visibility so you have people banging on your door, wanting to work with you.
> Critical credibility-building strategies to help pre-sell your ideal clients.
> The unique factor that not only makes you different from everyone else, it makes you irresistible to people who are dying to work with you.
> How to create a ZERO RESISTANCE environment to upsell your clients and take the relationship to the next level.
> Why you need to streamline the systems in your business so you only work with clients and on projects you enjoy – as much or a little as you’d like.
In short, the outcomes you can expect from joining me on this sales sprint is MORE money, LESS effort and more FUN while you work.

Here’s how the Sales Sprint works:
This is not just a sales training program. It is a six-month, group coaching program designed to help you increase the revenue in your business. You work directly with me.
We have group meetings twice each month and I teach you the secrets of effective sales strategy. After each meeting, we have “office hours” and you can ask me questions.
If you qualify for one of the bonuses listed below, you have CONTUNUED ACCESS to me during office hours for ONE YEAR after the program ends.
Session 1: The group introductions take place in this meeting and we review your goals for our work together. We will mutually agree on a desired result. This conversation includes selecting a “primary target” for our efforts and a “secondary target.” These can be clients or evangelists (referral sources).
Session 2: You discover my proprietary method for identifying the correct message to use to attract your targets. In this session we also set up your follow-up and nurturing system to keep people interested in your message and continuously demonstrate the value you provide.
Session 3: This session we pick the “low hanging fruit.” We enroll your natural network into our proprietary system and we show them the value of a relationship with you and your firm. This will immediately result in some referrals and some initial interest in your business.
Session 4: This workshop focuses on your HONEYPOT. This is your lead magnet that helps convert prospects into clients and demonstrates your expertise to referral partners.
Session 5: Qualification. In this session I share my proprietary process for weeding out horrible prospective clients and only selecting those who will invest in you time and time again.
Session 6: We create a plan for attracting ideal clients and referral partners by the dozens. This is your lead generation system and you will discover ways to put it on autopilot.
Session 7: You will discover my proprietary on-boarding process that helps you identify and deliver MAXIMUM value to your clients. This results in them gladly paying you a premium.
Session 8: This workshop focuses on forming a community of your most valuable clients and referral partners. The purpose of this is to connect them with each other and make you an indispensable part of their world.
Session 9: After developing the foundation of your community, we now focus on adding high-quality members to this group. As your community grows, so do your referrals and your revenue.
Session 10: During this session we begin to establish strategic alliance partnerships with other people who provide complimentary services to your ideal clients and referral sources. This effort leads to doubling or tripling your network in a short time.
Session 11: This workshop is your testimonial tsunami. We focus on attracting video from your clients and evangelists as well as letters of recommendation. This serves as am organic way for you to build your credibility. Once we create this system, you’ll have it forever.
Session 12: This session, we review your progress and set the strategic plan for the next twelve months. We also enhance all the systems we have developed. During our time together we polish the system and make it hum like a well-oiled machine.
Bonus 1: Private Kickoff with Dave Lorenzo: If you enroll now, you will have access to Dave for a 45-minute private kick off session. This will set you up for maximum success.
VALUE: $1,500
Bonus 2: Unlimited Access to Dave Lorenzo’s Office Hours for Questions for an Entire Year: In an unprecedented move, Dave will allow you to attend his “members only” office hours sessions each month to ask him questions as often as you’d like.
VALUE: $44,500
Bonus 3: Lifetime Alumni Access to Group Zoom Sessions: Once you complete the program, you will be invited to participate in ALUMNI Group Sessions, each year. These sessions will keep you connected to Dave and everyone in his community.
These bonuses will expire at the end of the month, so take advantage of them and click the enrollment button below.
Since I’m only one person and have a limited amount of time enrollment in the Sales Sprint is limited to 25 people. The standard investment in this program is $10,700. For a limited time, I am offering an enrollment special.
This year-long coaching program is normally $10,700
Today’s ONE PAY Investment is only
Do you want a MONTHLY investment option?
Click the button below for the MONTHLY Investment.
(The investment must be automatically submitted by debit or credit card each month for six months.)
As you can see, this is not some do-it-yourself video sales training program. This is a disciplined, sophisticated, client attraction system that will help you create a sustainable business model to last a lifetime.
When we work together you will discover:
> How to develop multiple streams of leads that will help you keep your business running regardless of the economy or external conditions.
> Proven methods for increasing your visibility so you have people banging on your door, wanting to work with you.
> Critical credibility-building strategies to help pre-sell your ideal clients.
> The unique factor that not only makes you different from everyone else, it makes you irresistible to people who are dying to work with you.
> How to create a ZERO RESISTANCE environment to upsell your clients and take the relationship to the next level.
> Why you need to streamline the systems in your business so you only work with clients and on projects you enjoy – as much or a little as you’d like.
In short, the outcomes you can expect from joining me on this sales sprint is MORE money, LESS effort and more FUN while you work.

Here’s how the Sales Sprint works:
This is not just a sales training program. It is a six-month, group coaching program designed to help you increase the revenue in your business. You work directly with me.
We have group meetings twice each month and I teach you the secrets of effective sales strategy. After each meeting, we have “office hours” and you can ask me questions.
If you qualify for one of the bonuses listed below, you have CONTUNUED ACCESS to me during office hours for ONE YEAR after the program ends.
Session 1: The group introductions take place in this meeting and we review your goals for our work together. We will mutually agree on a desired result. This conversation includes selecting a “primary target” for our efforts and a “secondary target.” These can be clients or evangelists (referral sources).
Session 2: You discover my proprietary method for identifying the correct message to use to attract your targets. In this session we also set up your follow-up and nurturing system to keep people interested in your message and continuously demonstrate the value you provide.
Session 3: This session we pick the “low hanging fruit.” We enroll your natural network into our proprietary system and we show them the value of a relationship with you and your firm. This will immediately result in some referrals and some initial interest in your business.
Session 4: This workshop focuses on your HONEYPOT. This is your lead magnet that helps convert prospects into clients and demonstrates your expertise to referral partners.
Session 5: Qualification. In this session I share my proprietary process for weeding out horrible prospective clients and only selecting those who will invest in you time and time again.
Session 6: We create a plan for attracting ideal clients and referral partners by the dozens. This is your lead generation system and you will discover ways to put it on autopilot.
Session 7: You will discover my proprietary on-boarding process that helps you identify and deliver MAXIMUM value to your clients. This results in them gladly paying you a premium.
Session 8: This workshop focuses on forming a community of your most valuable clients and referral partners. The purpose of this is to connect them with each other and make you an indispensable part of their world.
Session 9: After developing the foundation of your community, we now focus on adding high-quality members to this group. As your community grows, so do your referrals and your revenue.
Session 10: During this session we begin to establish strategic alliance partnerships with other people who provide complimentary services to your ideal clients and referral sources. This effort leads to doubling or tripling your network in a short time.
Session 11: This workshop is your testimonial tsunami. We focus on attracting video from your clients and evangelists as well as letters of recommendation. This serves as am organic way for you to build your credibility. Once we create this system, you’ll have it forever.
Session 12: This session, we review your progress and set the strategic plan for the next twelve months. We also enhance all the systems we have developed. During our time together we polish the system and make it hum like a well-oiled machine.
Bonus 1: Private Kickoff with Dave Lorenzo: If you enroll now, you will have access to Dave for a 45-minute private kick off session. This will set you up for maximum success.
VALUE: $1,500
Bonus 2: Unlimited Access to Dave Lorenzo’s Office Hours for Questions for an Entire Year: In an unprecedented move, Dave will allow you to attend his “members only” office hours sessions each month to ask him questions as often as you’d like.
VALUE: $44,500
Bonus 3: Lifetime Alumni Access to Group Zoom Sessions: Once you complete your first year in the program, you will be invited to participate in ALUMNI Group Sessions, each year. These sessions will keep you connected to Dave and everyone in his community.
These bonuses will expire at the end of the month, so take advantage of them and click the enrollment button below.
Since I’m only one person and have a limited amount of time enrollment in the Sales Sprint is limited to 25 people. The standard investment in this program is $10,700. For a limited time, I am offering an enrollment special.
This year-long coaching program is normally $10,700
Today’s Annual (ONE PAY) Investment is only
Do you want a MONTHLY investment option?
Click the button below for the MONTHLY Investment.
(The investment must be automatically submitted by debit or credit card each month for six months.)
As you can see, this is not some do-it-yourself video sales training program. This is a disciplined, sophisticated, client attraction course that will help you create a sustainable business model to last a lifetime.

Who Should Not Enroll
I am highly selective in the people I accept into this program.
Do not apply if you want a get-rich-quick scheme!
If you are looking for the “magic beans” that will allow you to grow a money tree in your backyard, this is not a good fit for you. You will need to work hard to implement my system.
Do not apply if you think you know everything!
If you think you already know everything about sales and marketing, this will not work for you. If you did know everything, you wouldn’t need me, so check your ego at the door and do what I recommend.
Do not apply if you are passive-aggressive and can’t follow directions!
If you have a problem or a comment, I want to hear it. Be an adult and share your feelings with me so we can address them. I don’t tolerate people who “take shots” at me or others or people who deliver snarky responses when we are working together.
Do not apply if you are giving me your last dollar!
You need to have a small level of success under your belt to make this system work. If you’re struggling to find any clients or you cannot share a profile of a good client, or you cannot afford to set-up an email system, or build a website for your business, this program won’t work.
Do not apply if you have no time for business development!
If your priorities are screwed-up and you don’t realize that you are in a marketing business, I cannot help you. This program must be at the top of your priority list during the next six weeks.
Who Should Enroll
Here are profiles of some people who are a good fit for this program.
The Attorney or Law Firm Owner Who Wants To Jump Start New Business Origination!
If you want to get an additional $100,000 in the door within this year, this program is for you.
The Professional Who Needs Structure
If you are a financial advisor, accountant or expert and you want to discover a sales system to help you focus your business, this program is for you.
The Professional Speaker, Coach, or Consultant Who Needs to Add a Recurring Revenue Stream
Every 10 years an event happens that knocks the most successful speaker, coach, or consultant off his game: September 11, 2001, The Great Recession, COVID-19, there will be another one.
If you have multiple streams of income, you are less likely to take a huge hit during these events.
Perhaps you are tired of being on the road and you’d like to cut back on travel. This requires adding a new revenue model. You can make money while you sleep or while you work on other things. That’s what recurring revenue is.
If you don’t have at least one recurring revenue stream in your business, this program will help.
The Entrepreneur Who Has Competing Priorities and Needs Focus
Let’s face it, entrepreneurs can spend the entire day putting out fires. This program will help you keep your eye on the ball and grow revenue.
If you enroll in this exclusive program now, you will receive the following bonuses valued at over $50,000:
Bonus 1: Private Kickoff with Dave Lorenzo
This is a group program. Each week your group meets on Zoom at a specific date and time. All meetings are recorded for ease of follow-up. If you enroll now, you will have access to Dave for a 30-minute private kick off session. This will set you up for maximum success.
VALUE: $1,500
Bonus 2: Unlimited Access to Dave Lorenzo’s Office Hours for Questions for an Entire Year:
In an unprecedented move, Dave will allow you to attend his “members only” office hours sessions each month to ask him questions as often as you’d like.
VALUE: $44,500
Bonus 3: Lifetime Alumni Access to Group Zoom Sessions:
Once you complete the program, you will be invited to participate in ALUMNI Group Sessions each year. These sessions will keep you connected to Dave and everyone in his community.
These bonuses will expire at the end of the month, so take advantage of them.
This year-long coaching program is normally $10,700
Today’s ONE PAY Investment is only
Do you want a MONTHLY investment option?
Click the button below for the MONTHLY Investment.

Who Should Not Enroll
I am highly selective in the people I accept into this program.
Do not apply if you want a get-rich-quick scheme!
If you are looking for the “magic beans” that will allow you to grow a money tree in your backyard, this is not a good fit for you. You will need to work hard to implement my system.
Do not apply if you think you know everything!
If you think you already know everything about sales and marketing, this will not work for you. If you did know everything, you wouldn’t need me, so check your ego at the door and do what I recommend.
Do not apply if you are passive-aggressive and can’t follow directions!
If you have a problem or a comment, I want to hear it. Be an adult and share your feelings with me so we can address them. I don’t tolerate people who “take shots” at me or others or people who deliver snarky responses when we are working together.
Do not apply if you are giving me your last dollar!
You need to have a small level of success under your belt to make this system work. If you’re struggling to find any clients or you cannot share a profile of a good client, or you cannot afford to set-up an email system, or build a website for your business, this program won’t work.
Do not apply if you have no time for marketing!
If your priorities are screwed-up and you don’t realize that you are in a marketing business, I cannot help you. This program must be at the top of your priority list during the next six weeks.
Who Should Enroll
Here are profiles of some people who are a good fit for this program.
The Attorney or Law Firm Owner Who Wants To Jump Start New Business Origination!
If you are an attorney and you want to get an additional $100,000 in the door within this year, this program is for you.
The Professional Who Needs Structure
If you are a financial advisor, accountant or expert and you want to discover a sales system to help you focus your business, this program is for you.
The Professional Speaker, Coach, or Consultant Who Needs to Add a Recurring Revenue Stream
Every 10 years an event happens that knocks the most successful speaker, coach, or consultant off his game: September 11, 2001, The Great Recession, COVID-19, there will be another one.
If you have multiple streams of income, you are less likely to take a huge hit during these events.
You are tired of being on the road and you’d like to cut back on travel. This requires adding a new revenue model. You can make money while you sleep or while you work on other things. That’s what recurring revenue is.
If you don’t have at least one recurring revenue stream in your business, this program will help.
The Entrepreneur Who Has Competing Priorities and Needs Focus
Let’s face it, entrepreneurs can spend the entire day putting out fires. This program will help you keep your eye on the ball and grow revenue.